Stop With the Decorative Hand Towels in Your Bathroom

It confuses everyone and what is the point?

Adrienne Pelz
Dec 25, 2021

I get it- your house, your rules. You have a right to decorate as you so see fit, and that’s totally understandable.

However, those decorative hand towels in the bathroom? The ones your guests are not supposed to use? Or, well, anyone?

What is the point behind having them then?

If you don’t like communal towels then that is totally understandable- but, at least provide a role of paper towels then. And a garbage can. It’s kind of weird when you provide one and not the other.

Bathrooms are necessary parts of homes. You cannot have one and then expect people not to use them.

Like, please, life is stressful enough. Confusing chaos about a towel that should not be used is… Unnecessary.



Adrienne Pelz
Adrienne Pelz

Written by Adrienne Pelz

Tech professional by day, writer by night. Love, poetry, practical life management, and fiction. And, sometimes, a little bit of humor.

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