About me — Adrienne Pelz

Adrienne Pelz
2 min readJan 13, 2022

A little bio about lil’ old me.

Image by Author, Niagara River, Niagara Falls, NY

I am terrible at introducing myself, and I usually just go with a squeaky-voiced, “Hi!” with a small wave. However, that’s impossible to do on Medium (unless I want to make things weird- which, I don’t).

So, let’s settle for some basic facts.

My name is Adrienne Pelz- however, I do also go by the pen name of Austin James.

Growing up, I was homeschooled (loved it), and I eventually grew up to become a computer science professional.

Somewhere along the way, my love for reading and telling stories evolved into a passion for writing them too.

In my spare time (rare as it is), I can be found gardening in the too-short New York summers, hiking, playing video games, and/or making way too large batches of new recipes. Exotic mac and cheese, anyone?

I am a fan of finding new, eco-friendly ways to live, have been known to write poetry, and can be found doing laundry at 2 AM when I can’t sleep. Sometimes, I take pictures of nature that I would like to share with others.

I write about what I know, what I have an opinion on, and what I find interesting. Also, a lot of fiction. Sci-fi, fantasy, drama, romance, and contemporary are my bread and butter.



Adrienne Pelz

Tech professional by day, writer by night. Love, poetry, practical life management, and fiction. And, sometimes, a little bit of humor.