3 Easy to Spot Dating Profile Red Flags

Adrienne Pelz
3 min readDec 3, 2021

It was the fall of 2019. Pre-COVID Adrienne was playing the dating field for the first time in her life, and at 26, she was concerned with what she was seeing…

I honestly had NO idea what I was doing at that point. I had never been in a relationship, was (and still am) a career woman, and my family was going through a lot of stressful things right then. Reading dating profiles and spotting the red flags wasn’t the easiest task ever… But it was worthwhile, as I soon found the love of my life.

That being said, I looked at a lot of profiles and spotted a lot of red flags pretty quickly.

My sister, God rest her soul, took a vested interest in my love life during that time. To her, this was a mission- she wanted to see me happily married with kids ASAP and didn’t want a brother-in-law who drove her nuts. So, she imparted wisdom on me, to make it easier to spot the “keepers” from the “I don’t think so’s”.

And, in the spirit of keeping her wisdom alive, I’m going to share it with you.

They don’t fill out their bio

Seriously, what’s the point then? The prompts are there for a reason- if it’s a company-owned bot, the devs need to get it out of there ASAP as it’s making them look bad. If it’s a real person, don’t trust their intentions at all.

Look, I get being shy. I get not really feeling up to the online dating game at the moment. But no one is forcing the person to be there; they can (and should) delete the profile if they won’t even bother to build it out at all.

The lack of details, or willingness to play along and be a member of the community, implies that they have control issues. Or aren’t looking for a relationship altogether.

Bottom line: If they won’t put in even the bare minimum into learning more about them, swipe left and move on.

Bonus: If they just put down, “Ask me anything,” or, “AMA,” in place of the prompts, swipe left even faster. That’s a narcissist right there.

The pictures look suspiciously dated

I don’t think any of us care if a person is wearing last season’s choice of sweaters, but if their pictures are more than a year old, serious questions need to be raised.

And if all of their pictures seem to hint that they are, at a minimum, 10 years old? Nope, get out of there.

They’re hiding something- maybe their age, that they’re a catfish, perhaps new neck tattoos that are questionable, who knows! But they’re definitely not showing you the authentic them and just for that, run.

Their bio focuses on their ex

That means they are still hung up on the ex. Which is a red flag the size of Mars.

It’s one thing to not be ready to move on- but if this person (or someone pretending to be them) bothered to focus on solely a person who is not a part of the relationship physically, then assume that emotionally that person is still really important. Or it is that person and they’re just trying to make a fool out of the person they are impersonating.

You don’t need a ghost in your relationship. Choose someone here, now, and with you.

Love is weird.

Love is very weird.

And finding the real stuff? Very tricky.

Of course, follow your heart when falling in love… But also use your head. If common sense says something feels wrong, something is wrong.

Don’t doubt yourself. Find someone who truly makes you happy.

Because, you deserve to be happy.



Adrienne Pelz

Tech professional by day, writer by night. Love, poetry, practical life management, and fiction. And, sometimes, a little bit of humor.